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Great Northern Jesus

After a cloth depicting the crown of thorns was put up in a church on Prince Edward Island, Canada, for Ash Wednesday, parishioners started seeing the face of Jesus on it, complete with long flowing hair. Members of the Parish of St. Simon and St. Jude in Tignish say the cloth has been used for years but the face has never appeared before. According to the reports, “Some efforts have been made to shake the image out of the cloth, but it continues to appear.”

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Like A Rock

Anna Oquendo of Kendall, Florida, has a rock she says has an image of the Virgin Mary in one area and the Baby Jesus in another. It was a gift from her employer, who found it in a river in Tennessee. Oquendo says the rock is keeping her husband alive and has no plans to sell it. He’d better hope not.

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And Drift Away…

For 20 years Donna Hocevar of Chester Township, OH, has been seeing the image of Jesus Christ in a piece of driftwood but didn’t tell anyone outside her close family and friends. Now word is out. A friend thinks the outer edge is a profile of Satan. Her pastor doesn’t think it’s divine communication though he does think “it is interesting.” Her husband says it’s dumb.

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Holy Sheet!

Jesus has shown up at Hardy’s Hardware in Manchester, CT. Thomas Haley was unloading a truck several weeks ago when he came across a piece of sheet metal with an oily stain on it that he says is the image of Jesus Christ. He and a co-worker bought it and put it on eBay. “I feel kind of bad just pawning off Christ,” Haley said, though it’s likely he’ll feel much better if someone clicks the “Buy It Now” button and forks over $10,000 for it.

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Open Door, Enter Jesus

Members of the Reigning Light of the Healing Chapel in North Vernon, Indiana, say the patterns on a wooden door of the church look like an image of Jesus. They liken it to the image seen on the Shroud of Turin, which is not affiliated in any way with the XXth Olympic Winter Games at Turin. Make up your own mind.

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Mary On The Rebound

The image of the Virgin Mary has appeared on a basketball backboard in Miami. People are holding prayer vigils and creating a shrine there, saying it’s a message to understand the significance of Christmas. Better late than never.

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