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Rock on, Jesus

When a Fort Worth, Texas, woman walked outside to get her morning newspaper a couple of years ago she looked down and saw Jesus smiling up at her from a rock. After keeping the rock as a doorstop for several years she decided to “share this miracle in order to expand it’s [sic] possibilities.” By offering it for sale on eBay, of course. She says “I think that is what He had in mind for us all along.” He must have had $50 in mind as the shipping cost too.

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How Do You Tuna Koran?

Muslims in Kenya have been flocking to the Takaungu Fresh Fish Shop in Mombasa to see a 5.5-lb tuna they say has a verse from the Koran on its scales: Wallahu khayru racism (God is the greatest of all providers). On Friday the state fisheries department took the tuna for safekeeping and is keeping it in cold storage. The National Museums of Kenya says it will document the fish so it can be used in religious education. Sorry, Charley.

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Olive Virgin Mary

Three months ago, Georgette Elhakin of Glenroy, Australia, noticed something on the bark of her olive tree. She thought it looked like a statue of the Madonna. Since then “miracles” have been happening. First a lump on her inner thigh disappeared. Then Centrelink, a government agency that offers community services, wrote saying they owed her money instead of her owing them. Her husband doesn’t believe the figure on the tree is an image of the Madonna. Then again, he still has chronic asthma and can’t work.

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Blowing His Top?

A huge rock in the middle of Mount St. Helens is growing. An alert reader noticed something peculiar in one of the official photographs taken on April 28 by Steve Schilling for the United States Geological Survey — what he says appears to be the image of Jesus and possibly Mary. Or maybe Sony and Cher in their heyday. It’s a safe bet you won’t find this for sale on eBay anytime soon. [Click on the photograph for a larger image. Or here for the original full-size 4 meg version from USGS without the red circle.]

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I See Mary On A Sea Shell By The Sea Shore

Kathy Snow of Mooresville, North Carolina was walking on Wrightsville Beach last year when she found a shell she says bears a strong likeness to the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus. She’s asking $25,000 for it on eBay. You can even buy it now and not make a payment for three months.

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Softer Gentler Jesus

One morning Brenda Jackson of Searcy, AR, woke up and noticed that the bottle of Elizabeth Arden hand lotion that always sits on her night stand looked different. The lotion that was clinging to the inside of the top portion of the half-empty bottle had created an image of Jesus Christ. A softer, gentler, vitamin-enriched Jesus, now with Lanolin.

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