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Leaking News of Mary

People have been flocking to Nobsa, in Boyaca, central Colombia, to check out a patch of algae growing under a leaking pipe that they say looks like the Virgin Mary. It was discovered by a local boy who his mother says , “Crossed the bridge when he heard a sound, as if there were a small animal trapped there. When he turned to look, my son saw the image of the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe. He says that he immediately walked through the stream and began to take pictures of the image. At that moment, the image moved, and he was afraid. He knelt and prayed and then he ran out to tell me. I was in the warehouse and I went to check it with my own eyes because initially I did not believe him. But it turned out to be true.”

Word of the appearance spread quickly and people traveled to see the miracle. Hugo Fuertes told Colombian media, “The people there were shocked, almost paralyzed. The news spread everywhere, and began the procession of people praying the holy rosary to the image of the Virgin.”

The local church, meanwhile, has asked people to wait for the miracle to be certified. Father Victor Leguizamon said, “When there is an apparition, one must act prudently until the competent authority certifies the authenticity.”

He didn’t elaborate on who the competent authority is, what procedure he or she will follow, and how to act prudently other than, of course, contacting the media.

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