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What Would Jesus See » Author Archive

Warming Up To Jesus

jesus-firewoodLooking to warm-up to Christmas season, Julie Cooney and her husband were using a chainsaw to cut up some firewood at their home in Danville, Indiana. Suddenly they noticed markings in the middle of a log that they thought looked a lot like an angel. Stopping and looking closer, they were astonished to see that it looked more like the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus. “I saw it and I was amazed,” Cooney says, “I took pictures of it quickly. And tried to decide what to do with them. I told them to bring them in the house.” They’ve wisely decided not to burn the logs or cut them any further. Their plan is to display them at the Danville, Indiana, police  department.

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As Seen On Google Heaven And Earth


jesus-googleIf it’s online it has to be true. Especially if it’s on Google, who’s Street View shows what some think is an image of Jesus and the Virgin Mary hovering above the A5 highway near Walensee, Switzerland. A Google search turns up no reason why they’d choose this location to photobomb the Google imaging vehicle, but you can see it for yourself here. Google has had no comment on the photo and Switzerland, of course, remains neutral.


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Full Dress(er) Jesus

jesus-dresserA posting on Craigslist from Fresno, CA is offering a dresser with the image of Jesus Christ in the wood grain. They’ve had the dresser for 28 years and didn’t discover the image until they moved it recently. They’re asking a cool $1million for it but say the proceeds will go to families in need to help with housing, healthcare and education.

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On the Cross, Where Else?

mary-crossBrian Trambowicz of North Providence, Rhode Island, was driving by the Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary recently when he noticed a silhouette on a cross at the top of the church’s bell tower that amazingly looked like the Virgin Mary. “I said to myself, ‘did I see what I thought I saw?’,” Trambowicz remarked. “Then goose pimples came out all over my body.”

He kept driving. A couple of blocks away he saw a sign in front of a florist’s shop that read: “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” Cue Twilight Zone theme.

Since then other members of the church have seen the image, some even claiming to see baby Jesus being cradled in his mother’s arms. They can’t help but think that it has something to do with this year being the 100th anniversary of the church.

“I’ve driven by here 5,000 times and never seen it,” Trambowicz told the Valley Breeze newspaper. Well, you know what they say, the 5,001st time is the charm.

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A Religious Cliff Hanger

bush-maryAllister Bevege of Sydney, Australia, was hiking through the bush in Kakadu National Park with a friend when they saw the sunlight hitting a stone cliff and creating an image. “We thought it looked like the Virgin Mary,” Bevege said. It appeared on the Bardedjilidji Sandstone Walk near the Arnhem Land border at Cahills Crossing last Monday as the mid-afternoon sun hit the face of the cliff . A tourist from England, Jim Youngs, when told about it said he thought it looked more like an alien than the Blessed Virgin but, “That’s f***ing cool. I’ll go see it, definitely. One hundred percent.”

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Butt, Isn’t That Jesus?

dog-butt-jesusIt was originally posted a year ago but just came to light. An editor on Reddit who goes by Feature_Creature posted a photograph of an image of Jesus…on his pug’s butt. That’s all we know and we’re sticking to it. The story, that is.

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