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Barking Up A Religious Tree

People in East Chicago, Indiana, have been flocking to see two trees, one which they say has an image of Jesus holding his hands together and looking down [see photo on left], while the tree next to it shows the Virgin Mary looking over at her son. The tree on the other side has plain bark. How boring.

Postscript: City officials have turned off the streetlight that’s critical to seeing the image because residents complained about the traffic jam. And the large fight that broke out on Friday night.

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A rock-cutter from Mitchell, Oregon, sliced through some agate he found near an Indian burial ground and discovered what he says “looks to be an Angel or perhaps Jesus, Mother Mary, I don’t know. But if you look close it’s standing behind a throne that overlooks what appears to be a planet.” Of course it’s for sale on eBay, where he says, “I have seen faces on rocks before, but NEVER the whole picture with other devine (sic) objects, except for ‘The Comforter,’ which I also have listed.” Of course.

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Virgin Doorway

A door from the home of Roger Culver, Flatrock, Michigan, was burned two different times. The result is what he believes to be a scorched image the Blessed Virgin Mary. And a moneymaker on eBay. As a door it’s expensive. As a previously unknown copy of Munch’s The Scream, it’s a steal.

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Jesus Plastered!

Jeffrey Rigo of Pittsburgh, PA stepped out the shower Saturday evening to find an image of Jesus Christ in the water-stained plaster on the bathroom wall. He did what any sane person would do — he cut out the section of plaster, found the water leak, made a box, filled it with plaster, placed the “Shower Jesus” inside the box to dry, and posted it for sale on eBay.

Postscript: The plaster Jesus was bought by for $1,999.99. They’re planning to add it to a traveling museum that will appear in cities nationwide.

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Corpus Crispi

Rosalie Lawson of St. Petersburg, FL was happy when she came across a buy-one, get-one-free deal on Lay’s sour cream and onion potato chips a couple of weeks ago, but even happier when she stopped putting one of the chips in her mouth because she saw the image of Jesus Christ on it. “I don’t know if we’re going to try and sell it or what yet,” she says. Meanwhile, the St. Petersburg Times is holding an online poll about the chip. At the moment, 15% of the voters think the chip looks like Jesus, 34% think it looks like Red Sox centerfielder Johnny Damon, and 51% think it looks like the late Jerry Garcia.

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A Heavenly Color of Semi-Gloss

Two Detroit women were painting their house in preparation of moving when they noticed that the red paint wouldn’t cover two areas of primer on a kitchen wall. When the areas dried they noticed that they looked like faces. They managed to paint over one, which they say looked like a pharaoh. The other refused to be painted over and they realized it looks like Jesus. The real mystery is why they were painting their kitchen red.

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