What Would Jesus See » Entries tagged with "eBay"
Dressing Up For Church
According to a Romanian couple, images of Jesus, St. Peter, and St. Paul have appeared on a wardrobe they received from her parents as a dowry 50 years ago. The images first showed up just before Christmas last year, starting as shadows and getting progressively clearer every day. Since then their house has become a popular stop on the Eastern European Sightings Tour 2005. They hope to get an Internet connection soon so they can sell it on eBay.
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There’s Something Fishy About This Sighting
A couple in Luther, Oklahoma, is selling a fish head bone they say shows Jesus on the crucifix. A friend gave them the bone 10 years ago and the couple says they’ve had good luck ever since. Yet they’re selling it. Hey, too much of a good thing can be boring. Or so they say. It’s being sold on eBay but there’s a note saying it’s not rare and you can get these cheaper elsewhere. Who knew? The posting’s still up, apparently just for the halibut.
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Why Do You Think It’s Called A SON-o-gram?
Another spiritual ultrasound has surfaced. The first two (see: 1, 2) were in Ohio but it seems the miracle has moved westward to Valencia, CA. So much for California setting the trends. While the doctors saw a child at 8 weeks, 4 days, Anthony and Xaviera Fierro say they see the outline of the Blessed Mother. They claim it’s “an actual printout,” and it’s “not a joke.” It is, of course, available on eBay.
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Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door
Susie Parker of Raton, New Mexico, says the sun has created a faded image of Jesus on her door, complete with what appears to be drops of blood at the bottom. So far there are no crowds, no T-shirts for sale, and no posting on eBay.
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More Rockin’ With Jesus
A man in Orange County, California, found a 1″ x 3/4″ rock in his garden. He says “Jesus is clearly visable [sic] on the rock. You can see his eyes and his long hair and beard.” He’s selling it on eBay with a 7-day money back guarantee in case you decide it looks more like Gallagher, Jeff “Skunk” Baxter of the Doobie Brothers, or the late Sonny Bono.
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