What Would Jesus See » Entries tagged with "church"
A Toast To A Rock
Lisa-Marie Corlet of Christchurch, New Zealand, was walking along a beach last year when she found a pebble with what she thought was the image of the Virgin Mary on it. Friends urged her to sell it, but she kept it instead. “I started having an awesome run of luck,” she said. When her luck started to run out she decided to sell it on the auction website Trade Me. “I won’t take less than $38,000 for it,” she said. “If someone is willing to pay $28,000 for a piece of toast, I’m sure someone out there would pay at least that for rock.”
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Wintering In Miami
People have been lining up to see the image of the Virgin Mary ever since a security guard saw it on a cloth in a chapel at St. Brendan Catholic Church in Miami. Some say they only see Mary while others see the whole family, including “the silhouette of Joseph and the curve of the head of baby Jesus.” While it’s a little soon to be wintering in Florida, it could be an Early Bird Special appearance.
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Great Northern Jesus
After a cloth depicting the crown of thorns was put up in a church on Prince Edward Island, Canada, for Ash Wednesday, parishioners started seeing the face of Jesus on it, complete with long flowing hair. Members of the Parish of St. Simon and St. Jude in Tignish say the cloth has been used for years but the face has never appeared before. According to the reports, “Some efforts have been made to shake the image out of the cloth, but it continues to appear.”
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Open Door, Enter Jesus
Members of the Reigning Light of the Healing Chapel in North Vernon, Indiana, say the patterns on a wooden door of the church look like an image of Jesus. They liken it to the image seen on the Shroud of Turin, which is not affiliated in any way with the XXth Olympic Winter Games at Turin. Make up your own mind.
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Dressing Up For Church
According to a Romanian couple, images of Jesus, St. Peter, and St. Paul have appeared on a wardrobe they received from her parents as a dowry 50 years ago. The images first showed up just before Christmas last year, starting as shadows and getting progressively clearer every day. Since then their house has become a popular stop on the Eastern European Sightings Tour 2005. They hope to get an Internet connection soon so they can sell it on eBay.
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Flipping Over The Pope
Myrna Kincaid of Jackson, Michigan, was about to pour syrup on her pancake when she noticed an image burned on it — the image of the Pope. She and her husband spared it, stashed it in the freezer, and went to church. Three weeks to the day after finding the pan-fried pontiff they had a baby boy. They named him John and say he never cries. They currently have no plans to either sell or eat the pancake.
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