What Would Jesus See » Entries tagged with "Ohio"
And Drift Away…
For 20 years Donna Hocevar of Chester Township, OH, has been seeing the image of Jesus Christ in a piece of driftwood but didn’t tell anyone outside her close family and friends. Now word is out. A friend thinks the outer edge is a profile of Satan. Her pastor doesn’t think it’s divine communication though he does think “it is interesting.” Her husband says it’s dumb.
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Flipping Over The Pope
Myrna Kincaid of Jackson, Michigan, was about to pour syrup on her pancake when she noticed an image burned on it — the image of the Pope. She and her husband spared it, stashed it in the freezer, and went to church. Three weeks to the day after finding the pan-fried pontiff they had a baby boy. They named him John and say he never cries. They currently have no plans to either sell or eat the pancake.
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Why Do You Think It’s Called A SON-o-gram?
Another spiritual ultrasound has surfaced. The first two (see: 1, 2) were in Ohio but it seems the miracle has moved westward to Valencia, CA. So much for California setting the trends. While the doctors saw a child at 8 weeks, 4 days, Anthony and Xaviera Fierro say they see the outline of the Blessed Mother. They claim it’s “an actual printout,” and it’s “not a joke.” It is, of course, available on eBay.
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Rorschach Nativity
People from around the globe have traveled to Vermilion, Ohio, over the past year to see mold stains on the back of a Nativity scene that look like Jesus Christ. I mean, the Virgin Mary. Okay, the pope. “It started with about five images that we could recognize,” said Roger Hanson, whose wife, Elizabeth, owns Abigail’s Antiques & Emporium. “Now it’s up to about 12.” When they got the wooden Nativity scene it was completely covered with mold. They tried to scrub it off with a toothbrush, blast it with an air compressor and use a heavy brush. Finally they washed it with dish soap. The mold grew back. Hanson looked at it and saw a profile of the Virgin Mary. His wife saw Jesus Christ. Others have seen the pope, a burro’s head, a hand holding a chalice, a Catholic cardinal, a halo over Christ’s head, an upside-down crown, three palm branches on Christ’s head, a celestial hand and Jesus’ hand extended outward. They’ve been offered $10,000 for it but won’t sell.
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The Virgin Vader
Dale in Ohio found a rock in his front yard in Chelsea, MI (?) and thought an image on it looked like the Virgin Mary. Or maybe Darth Vader. He says “I was so struck by the image I am not sure what to do.” So of course he decided to put it up for sale on eBay, but not before admitting “I honestly am feeling guilty for listing this gift.” So guilty he set the minimum bid at $1.00 and the shipping at a flat $50.00.
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