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Oh, Shell!

Nancy Kelly McCabe of Wellington, Florida, found a seashell in Palm Beach last August that she thought looked like the mirror image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in prayer. Since finding it she says “every negative aspect of my life has taken a turn for the positive.” That’s more than you can say for the mollusk who once lived in the shell.

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Putting The X[rays] Back in Xmas

A Phoenix, Arizona, man went to the dentist for a routine exam, including X-rays. When the X-rays were developed, he was shocked to see the image of Jesus on one of them. Though a devout Christian, he says he’s never seen Jesus in an X-ray before. Neither had the dentist and staff, but they agree that it does look like Christ. Incidentally — or maybe not so incidentally — the man had no cavities.

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X-ray[ted] Jesus

After experiencing chest pains, Reynaldo Farinas of Homestead, Florida, went to the hospital where doctors ordered a chest X-ray. When shown the X-ray film, Farinas spotted the face of Jesus Christ. Both the doctor and a medical technician agreed that it resembles Christ, but neither could explain what it was doing there or whether he needed antibiotics.

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Half-Baked Mary

Shunattee Lewis of Sacramento, CA, spent Thanksgiving in Denver at her mother’s funeral. When she got home, for some reason she pulled out a muffin pan, even though she had no plans to make muffins. Or even cupcakes. When she looked into one of the muffin slots, she saw what looked like an image of the Virgin Mary. Her husband thought it looked like the Mona Lisa. Her 8-year-old son thought that whatever it was, it had a happy face. Shunattee is showing the pan by appointment. The phone number is here.

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A Toast To A Rock

Lisa-Marie Corlet of Christchurch, New Zealand, was walking along a beach last year when she found a pebble with what she thought was the image of the Virgin Mary on it. Friends urged her to sell it, but she kept it instead. “I started having an awesome run of luck,” she said. When her luck started to run out she decided to sell it on the auction website Trade Me. “I won’t take less than $38,000 for it,” she said. “If someone is willing to pay $28,000 for a piece of toast, I’m sure someone out there would pay at least that for rock.”

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Wintering In Miami

People have been lining up to see the image of the Virgin Mary ever since a security guard saw it on a cloth in a chapel at St. Brendan Catholic Church in Miami. Some say they only see Mary while others see the whole family, including “the silhouette of Joseph and the curve of the head of baby Jesus.” While it’s a little soon to be wintering in Florida, it could be an Early Bird Special appearance.

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