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What Would Jesus See » Uncategorized

I Knew I Felt A Stirring In My Chest

A woman in Florida has a mammogram which she says shows an image of Jesus Christ. In her words:

“I went in for a regular mammogram screening where several x-rays were taken. The doctor thought he had seen something unusual and called me back one week later. On this second visit, only one image was taken of the area of concern. As soon as the film showed up on the screen, the image of Jesus Christ was clearly visible. The technician and I were astonished and immediately felt a pleasant presence. Needless to say, I was blessed to find that all was well and I am in good health.”

And that there’s an outlet to sell it on eBay.

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(S)he Appears On Seashells By The Seashore

It might sound fishy, but a California man is selling a seashell with an image of the Virgin Mary on eBay, of all places. Or maybe it’s Jesus. The shell’s owner, David Johnson, isn’t sure. Neither is Father Hanna Sakkab of St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church in City Heights who, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune, thought “it evoked either Jesus Christ or the Virgin Mary, crowned with a halo and carrying a baby.” Johnson found it on a beach in Monterey, CA and held onto it for a year. It would look great on a puka shell necklace.

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The Lord Is My Sous Chef

A family in Salt Lake City, UT says their old kitchen cabinet has an image of Jesus on it. They discovered it a few years ago and saved it after a recent kitchen remodeling. In case you don’t see it, Barbara Rascon explains: “There is an eye here another eye here and here is the nose. And then the mouth starts here and then you have sort of a beard.” Sort of cool.

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It’s Curtains For Jesus

People are flocking to Raymond Limon’s house at 1166 W. Magnolia Ave, San Bernardino, CA to see the face of Jesus Christ on a pair of cream-colored curtains. The image appears at night when the family room has been lighted. This isn’t the first religious sighting in the neighborhood. Eleven years ago someone found wrinkles on a tree that many believed were the image of the Virgin Mary. Maria Limon, who is separated from her husband, thinks this is the real thing and that God is telling them to reconcile their marriage. Others believe it’s a sign that they need to go to Ikea and get some new curtains.

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Putting The Ultra in Ultrasound

The Braziers of Toledo, OH say their newborn daughter Aaliyah is a blessing, but not only because she was born early and healthy. They say two ultrasound images taken a month ago show an image of Jesus Christ. Hospital administrators say the ultrasound wasn’t altered and is exactly like the one they have on file. They have no theories as to why little Aaliyah doesn’t look a thing like the image in the ultrasound.

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Holy Pair Gets Stoned

Last week Ethel Hartman of Jackson Township, Ohio was awakened by a mysterious flash of light shining on her bed. The next day her son was working in the garden when he came across a rock with the image of the Virgin Mary on it. He then found one adorned with Jesus Christ. The family welcomes people to come and see the rocks. They live just outside Massillon, in Jackson Township, at the corner of Amhearst and Traphagen Street. This place rocks. [map]

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