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What Would Jesus See » Archive for June 2011

Praise The Lord And Pass The Roundup

On the way to work recently, Kent Hardison, who runs Ma’s Hot Dog stand in Kinston, North Carolina, noticed that kudzu had taken over a utility pole and made a mental note to go back and spray the parasitic vines with herbicide. Then he looked again. “I glanced at it, and it looks like Jesus,” Hardison said. “I thought, ‘You can’t spray Jesus with Roundup.’ ” He says many of  his customers think the vine is a reminder that God is watching over people. And perhaps that you should treat kudzu as you would like kudzu to treat you.

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Rockin’ For Jesus

Lou Balducci of Mission Viejo, California, was ready to throw out an old rocking chair in February, but when he removed the seat cushion he noticed the image of Jesus in the weathered wood. Now, four months later, he’s decided it’s time to let someone else enjoy it, so he’s put it on eBay with a starting price of $25,000. He says it’s rare, is a museum piece, and it has “healing powers.” Oh yeah, and he’ll be glad to arrange shipping.

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Stonewalled By Mary

Alex Guillen of East El Paso, Texas, had 50 friends over on Saturday night for his 50th birthday when they saw an image begin to appear on a stone wall. They took photographs every ten minutes and when it was done they saw the image of the Virgin Mary. Oddly, each of the photos shows something a little different. In one, you can see the image of a goat head in the Virgin’s robes. In another, there’s a glowing red head that appears to have horns. And in another, there’s a number 5 on her robes, all similar to a Virgin Mary sighting in 1876. Well, they do say that everything old is new again.

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